We have an appointment almost by candlelight with Anaïs and Lisa from the “Les Invisibles” project to talk to you about endometriosis and its impact on intimate and sexual life. Endometriosis is everyone's business and '"Les Invisibles" make it their business on a daily basis but also here on our blog for a moment to help you understand what is going on in the microcosm of endometriosis Endometriosis can concern your mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, colleague, neighbor or even that woman sitting right there next to you…
The most difficult effect: pain, representative of the disease but not only because it is accompanied by a myriad of other enemies invisible and fiercely difficult to fight. Fatigue, pain, anxiety, insomnia, questions, brief treatments, it 's a whole environment that is under attack. Endometriosis sets in , imposes itself and takes a place that it should not. What to do when it slyly besieges with its tissue similar to that of the endometrium, the surrounding organs? This same tissue that will also cause pain but also implant a whole devastating ecosystem on the body? This same body that over time will seem somewhat foreign and at the same time so familiar. If endometriosis puts everything in the background, professional life and personal life, how can you think about recomposing your sex life? A complete mutation of one body by the presence of another, endometriosis affects the lives of all these women on many levels and in particular their sexuality. This disease requires on a daily basis to face often heavy treatments to fight it and these give rise to other battles: vaginal dryness, anxiety, loss of libido, loss of self-confidence... What about the revival of a sexual life that is sometimes difficult to adopt?
Going to conquer a body and a heart is always an arduous journey but conquering one's own is in no way "simpler", rediscovering oneself, flourishing as best as possible with endometriosis is certainly a difficult task. but not impossible.