CAN LOVE BE FATAL? Everything you need to know about cardiovascular risks in bed

The heart is enriched by what it receives and nourished by what it gives. And that's a good thing, because sexual activity can also be beneficial for your heart and your morale. Not only does this loving activity improve poor blood circulation and tone the myocardium, but it also promotes hormonal balance that boosts your overall well-being.

What if I have cardiovascular disease or heart failure, can I resume sexual activity? Contrary to popular belief, sexuality has a positive effect on lovers with fragile hearts. In this article, we will explore the fascinating links between sexuality and cardiovascular health. We will see how love and desire can act as a real care for your heart, a new lease on life for your heart, even after a heart attack, while addressing the precautions to take for safe sex.



Sexuality is a matter of the heart, a subtle symphony where the heart, body and mind vibrate in unison. It is based on a delicate balance between neurophysiological mechanisms and cardiovascular reactions, where sexology and cardiology meet. To put it simply, the sexual act is mainly orchestrated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which regulates the body's reactions. During arousal, the sympathetic branch of the ANS is activated: the heart rate gradually accelerates, blood pressure increases gently and oxygen consumption intensifies.

From a metabolic standpoint, a passionate embrace is the equivalent of climbing thirty flights of stairs. If the effort doesn't leave you unduly out of breath, then good news: your next orgasm is just a heartbeat away. For most people, including those with stable heart disease, the effort is moderate: on average, the heart rate fluctuates between 110 and 130 beats per minute, and blood pressure rarely exceeds 170 mmHg, which shouldn't cause you any heartache.

Is sex dangerous? Can you die during sex?

Is sex dangerous? Can you die during sex?

The idea of dying during love has long fueled urban legends. Although a few cases, such as that of Jim McConaughey, Matthew McConaughey's father, have been reported, they remain emblematic and above all extremely rare.

In 1992, Jim McConaughey died in the act with his wife, who insisted that her husband be taken away by paramedics naked, thus offering a last image of his virility. Earlier, we could pay tribute to our French president Félix Faure, who, in 1899, died during the act with his mistress in the Élysée Palace. But beyond these fiery stories, there is no scientific evidence that orgasm can actually cause death. According to various studies, cases of sudden death during or shortly after sex represent only 0.6% of deaths and mostly concern men over 50.

In French, this is called epectasis . In Greek, the term "epektasis" means "lengthening" or "extension", like spiritual elevation, a step closer to the gods. A purely religious notion but which does not fail to play on the ambiguity of the word "epectasis", so close and so evocative of the word "ecstasy".

Some say that dying with a beating heart in the arms of a loved one is the most beautiful ending. However, for others, it is a heavy departure to bear, a pain that sets in... And this beautiful death, so idealized, quickly loses its magic.

Sexual activity, although a so-called moderate physical effort, remains a great ally for the heart. However, in rare cases, it can also cause transient chest pain, known as postcoital angina , manifested by a feeling of oppression or discomfort in the chest. It affects less than 5% of cases and occurs mainly in individuals already suffering from coronary artery disease.

Although cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death among women and, at the same age, they accumulate more risk factors than men, there is nevertheless some good news: their risk of dying during sexual intercourse is significantly lower than that of men. According to some sources on the Internet, it is 0.016% for women and 0.19% for men.

A small consolation prize for the 2.2 million women who die each year from heart disease, but good news nonetheless.

What are the benefits of sexuality on cardiovascular diseases?

As your heart engages in an effervescent dance of desire, the myocardium—that fascinating muscle that makes life beat—strengthens, softens, and becomes more resilient, promoting better blood flow. But the bottom line is that the more you move and the more you love yourself, the more your heart will pump blood through your body. The result of this sweaty, sensual WOD? Better blood flow and more flexible arteries . For the heart, it’s pure bliss.

But that's not all! Sexual activity not only has physical benefits, it is also a natural antidote to stress . By triggering the release of oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, it promotes deep relaxation and a feeling of calm. This can have a preventative effect against heart disease, since stress is one of the main factors that puts a strain on the heart.

Making love is much more than giving in to sensations: it is a true elixir of youth for the heart!

Should we stop there? Well, no! Sexual activity also has another undeniable benefit: improved sleep . When we cuddle, relaxation hormones, such as oxytocin and endorphins, are released to promote restful sleep. And good sleep is an essential pillar for maintaining a healthy heart.


Love and desire are impulses of life, and rest assured: even after a cardiovascular episode, finding a fulfilling sexuality is possible. The American Heart Association recommends a gradual recovery, always validated by a health professional. The French Federation of Cardiology (FFC) also insists on the importance of consulting a doctor or cardiologist in order to take into account the specificities of each individual before resuming an intimate life. Every heartbeat counts. This is why we will remain cautious on the subject and always recommend the advice of a doctor.

However, the idea that sexual activity can pose risks to the heart is largely exaggerated. And we wanted to say this loud and clear with great joy, by giving you the keys to resume sexuality with complete peace of mind.

  • After a heart attack : it is essential to let the body recover. Resuming sexual activity is generally possible after 4 to 6 weeks, provided you have your doctor's approval. Listening carefully to your body and gradually increasing the intensity are the keys to a smooth return to intimacy.
  • After heart bypass surgery: Surgery requires time for the body to regain all its energy. It often takes 6 to 8 weeks for breathing and blood circulation to regain their balance. However, each heart is unique, and prior approval from your cardiologist is essential before any recovery. When the green light is given, sensuality can naturally resume its place.
  • After the insertion of a pacemaker or defibrillator: If the insertion went well and without complications, a period of one week is generally sufficient before returning to a fulfilling intimate life. However, a final discussion with your doctor will ensure a peaceful return.

While the idea that love can weaken the heart persists, studies are reassuring: cardiac arrests linked to sexual activity are extremely rare. A harmonious intimate life is not only possible, but beneficial. In short, love remains an excellent exercise for the heart… provided you listen to yours and consult if in doubt.

Love as a therapy for the heart is far from being a danger. If we take our time, if we listen to our body… we relearn to savor each beat, each shiver, each sigh.

However, getting back to a fulfilling intimate life can seem dizzying, even frightening. The fear of a new episode, apprehension about the effort or even a certain loss of self-confidence can invite themselves under the covers. And then, let's be honest: the body has been put to the test. But rest assured, with a little patience and a few adjustments, it is entirely possible to reconnect with pleasure.



The body has its own language. And sometimes it whispers before sounding the alarm. In men, a capricious erection and erectile dysfunction can be the first sign of cardiovascular fragility. In women, intimate dryness or pain during intercourse (dyspareunia) can reveal an underlying vascular imbalance. Erectile dysfunction is not just a question of desire: it can precede a coronary disorder by several years. After the age of 60, more than one in two men experience it.

On the female side, changes in the vascular system can make natural lubrication more timid, intimate dryness more frequent and transform intimacy into a challenge rather than a pleasure. But science is watching and advances in clinical sexology and cardiology now offer suitable solutions. Sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) have revolutionized the management of erectile dysfunction by promoting vasodilation. A great promise, but not universal: these treatments are not suitable for everyone, particularly patients suffering from severe heart disease.

Because a heart that beats to the rhythm of pleasure is also a healthier heart, we invite you to try our selection of intimate cosmetics and erotic gels.
  • For those who want to control their pleasures, enjoy harder and start again faster: a male pleasure extender, a penis delay spray, to prolong and increase male orgasms tenfold.
  • For those who want to offer a new and exciting dimension to their foreplay and masturbation sessions: a masturbation cream based on active ingredients such as taurine or yarsagumba, a medicinal mushroom that boosts erectile functions and releases all your sexual energy.
  • To discover the joys of prostate pleasure and confidently surrender to the most precious ecstasy: our prostate pleasure excitation gel , which relaxes, stimulates and makes you enjoy yourself without complexes.
  • For those who suffer from dryness and dyspareunia, a duo to consume without moderation:

As you can see, sexuality is a pleasure, but it is also a valuable indicator of your heart health. And in this golden triangle, YESforLOV supports you.

Warning: If your pleasure has been fading for more than three months, if your heart is already carrying the weight of risk factors or a chronic disease, if your medication affects your desire or if this situation weighs on your physical and emotional well-being, it is time to talk about it. Consulting a professional is giving your intimate well-being and sexual health a new chance to flourish.



Your heart has stumbled, but it can still dance. To reconnect with the pleasures of the flesh with complete peace of mind and benefit from its protective effect on the heart, here are some tips for resuming your sex life after a heart attack, while taking care of your heart:

  • Move, dance, walk…! A minimum of exercise is essential to prepare the body for the most passionate embraces. By moving, walking, practicing a little sport, you stimulate blood circulation and accustom your heart to a moderate effort, the one that will be necessary to fully enjoy these precious embraces that promise to be hot. The goal is not to force, but to maintain optimal circulation on a daily basis. So, don't forget to ask your cardiologist for a little "enduro" program.
  • Stress? The sworn enemy of your heart… and your hugs. To savor every moment, choose an environment where you feel comfortable, safe, ready to abandon yourself without ulterior motives. The goal? To sweep away tensions, soothe the body and avoid this rise in stress that makes blood pressure and heart rate rise. Treat yourself to a reassuring setting, let yourself be carried away… and desire will do the rest.
  • Not too hot, not too cold… A temperate atmosphere relaxes the muscles, soothes the heart and stimulates blood circulation. The idea? Create a cocoon conducive to letting go and abandoning yourself. So, forget the icy chills of an igloo, the stifling heat of a hotel spa or the burning embraces under a blazing sun. Make way for the right temperature.
  • Foreplay is more than just a love prelude, it's an asset for the heart that beats to the rhythm of pleasure. Caresses, kisses, masturbation, fellatio and all other love games facilitate blood circulation, like our arousal gel . They help release tension and prepare the body for other penetrative embraces.
  • Choose comfortable positions, let yourself be dominated. Choose positions that allow you to breathe easily and stay relaxed. Avoid those that are too physically demanding and that require too much energy. Find the one that suits you best, let yourself get caught up in the game: this time, it is she or he who takes over your body while preserving the health of your heart. Relax, everything will be fine.
  • Avoid heavy meals, alcohol and tobacco. A meal that is too heavy? Your heart doesn't want it. Neither does tobacco and alcohol, they are enemies of the heart and health in general. So reduce, or better, eliminate these bad habits to protect your heart and your legitimate sexual desires.
  • Sleep, a prerequisite for energy. Sex requires a certain amount of energy, both physical and mental. It is therefore essential to rest before considering any revelry. You must be at attention, and not with your head in a fog. A good night's sleep will definitely do you good. Your body must be ready to find intimacy again with all the vitality necessary, to offer you a fireworks of pleasure worthy of your grand return. And in this reunion, we will be satisfied with anything and even a spark.
  • Gradual resumption and respect for the rhythm, quite a program. Start slowly. A gradual resumption of sexual activity allows you to take the time to listen to your body and avoid rushing things. Why not start with solo masturbation or a stress-free cuddle under the covers.
  • Authentic communication is the key to sexual fulfillment. Dare to talk with your partner about your expectations and concerns, your fears and anxieties. Honesty and trust are the keys to reducing stress and strengthening the intimacy and sexual fulfillment of your couple.
  • Your doctor, your preferred contact. As a precaution, before resuming any sexual activity, always consult your cardiologist to ensure that you are ready to resume a safe intimate life.

Don't let worries or heart problems tarnish your love life. Sexuality, practiced with listening and caution, can be a valuable ally for your heart and your well-being. By gradually resuming intimate activity, with the agreement of your doctor, you could discover that pleasure, complicity and love are real natural remedies for your heart and your body. However, despite its benefits on the body and mind, sexuality is still too little integrated into classic therapeutic approaches. Between persistent taboos and lack of training, it is often relegated to the background, while it profoundly influences our emotional and relational balance. What if we finally considered it as a real natural medicine for the body and mind?

Juan Sztajzel PD Polyclinic of Medicine Center and Division of Cardiology Geneva University Hospitals 1211