At YESforLOV, innovation is at the heart of our approach. We like to play with textures, smells, and everything that nature has most beautiful and richest to offer us: flowers or plants, marine extracts, and why not mushrooms which are arousing growing interest within of the scientific community and lovers of natural remedies.

Among all the mushrooms, it is the cordyceps that particularly caught our attention. His name may be familiar to you: he is at the center of the plot of the series “The Last of Us”, where he plays the role of the villain responsible for the extinction of the human species. In reality, cordyceps is nowhere near as sinister.

Cordyceps sinensis has long been celebrated for its stimulating effects on libido and fertility and it is because of these very powerful aphrodisiac properties that it has been nicknamed "the Viagra of the Himalayas". Yes, yes, just that.

Let's dive together into the history and benefits of this mushroom and discover the intriguing cordyceps-based masturbation lubricant imagined by YESforLOV.

Everything you need to know about cordyceps, aka the Viagra of the Himalayas

Everything you need to know about cordyceps, aka the Viagra of the Himalayas

Cordyceps finds its origins in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas, in Tibet, where it grows at more than 3500 meters above sea level. For millennia, it has been considered “ the gold of Tibet ” because of its rarity and its value , which can reach up to $135,000 per kilo on the Chinese market. Long reserved for an elite, it was consumed by prestigious figures such as the Dalai Lama and the Emperor of China .
Known as yartsagunbu , yarsagumba , or yartchagumba , and commonly called cordyceps , this mushroom has a caterpillar - like appearance. If the idea of ​​using a mushroom already seems surprising, its mode of development is even more so. Cordyceps grows in autumn and to develop, it infects butterfly larvae, gradually mummifying them. The larva, buried a few centimeters below the surface of the soil, serves as food for the fungus. Once winter has passed, the fungus develops and passes through the insect 's head to form a stem emerging from the ground. Fascinating, is n't it?
Legend has it that a Tibetan nomadic herder discovered this mushroom while observing that his yaks, goats and sheep became stronger and more robust after consuming it, and especially excited during the rutting season. Strange, is n't it?
Cordyceps then gained worldwide fame in the 1990s during the World Athletics Championships . The exceptional performances of two Chinese athletes raised suspicions of doping but it was revealed that they had simply consumed cordyceps .

What are the benefits of cordyceps for my intimate and sexual life?

What are the benefits of cordyceps for my intimate and sexual life?

Cordyceps is a mushroom rich in nutrients and minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium. It also contains a large amount of carbohydrates, fiber and proteins , as well as many amino acids, essential fatty acids, and vitamins (E, K, B1, B2, B12).

1 - Cordyceps, your secret weapon against stress and anxiety

As an adaptogenic mushroom , cordyceps helps the body better adapt to different forms of stress and anxiety . Adaptogens are natural substances that stabilize physiological processes and promote homeostasis , making the body more resilient to stress.

Like reishi , known as the mushroom of immortality , and ginseng , a renowned adaptogenic herb, cordyceps stimulates the body by helping it maintain optimal balance . So when there is an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, cordyceps helps bring cortisol levels back to normal to help you feel better.
These properties make cordyceps a valuable ally in preventing overwork, depression, anxiety and stress . These emotional and physiological states harm not only general well-being but also sexual pleasure, possibly even causing premature ejaculation or sexual breakdown. Would you like to know more about the impact of stress on your intimate and sexual life ? Discover our dedicated article here.

2 - Cordyceps, an energy booster for your sexual stamina

Cordyceps is suspected of having beneficial effects on fatigue and sexual endurance because it increases the level of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a molecule essential for energy production in cells. This increase in ATP would thus help to reduce fatigue and improve physical endurance . In vivo studies have shown promising results. For example, a study on mice found that after administering cordyceps extracts for 15 days, the subjects' swimming time increased by 20%, demonstrating a notable improvement in physical performance . This boost in energy could therefore offer significant benefits and prove particularly useful for boosting our sexual performance and fighting against small bouts of sluggishness .

3 – The remedy for flagging libidos

Some research has highlighted the benefits of cordyceps sinensis on libido and erectile function. A study carried out on more than a hundred people suffering from reduced sexual desire revealed that 66% of participants saw their libido improve after daily consumption of this mushroom. Furthermore, another study, administering 300 mg/kg of cordyceps to mice for three weeks, showed a significant increase in dopamine levels in their brains.

This increase in dopamine can have several beneficial effects:

  • Stimulation of sexual desire: Dopamine enhances the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction, thereby increasing sexual desire.
  • Improved mood: High levels of dopamine are linked to better mood and reduced anxiety, promoting a healthier libido.
  • Increased motivation: Dopamine increases motivation to pursue pleasurable activities, including sex.
  • Strengthening emotional bonds: It contributes to attachment and closeness, increasing the desire for intimate interactions.
  • Physiological response: Dopamine influences erectile function and lubrication, facilitating sexual activity.
    In summary, increasing dopamine levels through cordyceps can improve mood, motivation, and physiological response, leading to increased libido.
4 - Cordyceps, your ally to regain virility and fertility

Cordyceps has demonstrated beneficial effects on spermatogenesis . A clinical study in 22 men showed that a cordyceps supplement increased sperm count by 33%, reduced sperm malformations by 29%, and increased sperm survival rate by 79%. In women, Himalayan cordyceps appears to stimulate the secretion of estradiol, a hormone essential for the development of secondary sexual characteristics and maintenance of pregnancy .

The benefits of cordyceps on sexual and reproductive functions are also attributed to its richness in vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids . By stimulating testosterone production via adenosine monophosphate, cordyceps promotes better blood flow to the genitals , which can potentially lead to stronger, longer-lasting erections.

A libido cream with cordyceps, why not?

A libido cream with cordyceps, why not?

What if we went beyond simple libido cream ? Imagine a masturbation cream that redefines pleasure, while offering comfort, power, vitality and dizzying sensations . This is the challenge posed by Benoît, our product manager, to our formulators: to create a product that would become the must-have for masturbation .

A creamy and enveloping gel like a velvet glove, which guarantees firmness, grip and long-lasting glide for optimal comfort , without leaving traces. Perhaps based on algae, silicone, water, with arnica to soothe overheating , Allantoin to calm irritation , and a host of stimulating active ingredients like L-Arginine which helps to boost erectile functions , taurine to release all our sexual energy . And the icing on the cake, yarsagumba , this Tibetan champion used for millennia for its aphrodisiac properties .

Challenge met: discover now our personal pleasure cream , a special masturbation gel, rich in soothing and stimulating active ingredients, which multiplies your sensations, provides comfort and softness, and releases your sexual energy. The new masturbation cream designed by the French laboratories YESforLOV can be used with or without a masturbator. It can be shared or remain discreet and personal. Sensations, comfort, stimulation... never has a masturbation gel gone so far in the art of doing you good.

Cordyceps Sinensis has been closely linked to sexual health for a long and rich history, and it is only natural that YESforLOV, at the forefront of innovation , used it in its intimate cosmetics. From ancient Chinese medicine to modern scientific research, this remarkable mushroom has caught our attention for its potential to improve libido, stamina, hormonal balance and overall sexual vitality. Although more study is needed, Cordyceps Sinensis is of considerable interest to those looking for natural ways to support their sexual well-being. By adopting the wisdom of the past, the advances of the present and the know-how of YESforLOV, this pleasure cream could well unlock the full potential of Cordyceps Sinensis in the field of sexual health.